Tom Lieber's Microblog

Sep 27, 2020

The work of an almost sixty people team is summarized each month in a recap post, with a mini retrospective for each team. Along that they share key numbers, like monthly usage, stickiness etc. Another important team ritual is a monthly “snaps” post, where everyone comments on at least one thing they are glad to have done, one thing someone inside the team did that they are thankful for, and one thing someone outside the team did that they appreciated.

Rituals create a sense of cadence, progress, and connection. Being reliable and consistent in your rituals can be very stabilizing for a team.

Hotfixes for your Newly Remote Team by Cate, on Accidentally in Code

I appreciate how the first post feeds the machine and the second feeds the culture. Publicly documented proof of achievement spreads the context required for fair performance reviews, and getting a peek into each others’ values makes it easier to communicate, collaborate, and motivate. The writing work seems well worth the effort relative to propping up those systems in other ways.