Tom Lieber's Microblog

My "later" tool gets support for spaced repetition!

I wrote about a tool I use called later that I invoke like later 3 to add the contents of stdin to my calendar 3 days in the future. If the reminder is repeating, I’ll include the command to schedule the next iteration in the text itself, like “water the plants |later 3”.

Well, I realized that the embedded command in a repeated reminder is predictable enough that I can programmatically rewrite it, so I added an -srs flag. Now if I have a reminder like “the capital of California is Sacramento |later -srs 1” then what gets added to my calendar is “the capital of California is Sacramento |later -srs 1.5” so that the interval is multiplied by 1.5 every time I execute it. Since the schedule is right there in the command, I can also reset it by changing the number to 1 or whatever I’d like it to be.

I’m having fun with this!

(Again, I’m not posting code because of my weird, bespoke setup, but I think the idea is simple and useful on its own.)